
2022 September Minutes

EPC Minutes Uploaded on October 14, 2022

DRAFT MINUTES  (click here for pdf version)


Held in The Litchfield Room, Enstone Parish Hall on Thursday

29th September 2022 at 7.00 pm.

 PRESENT: Cllrs P Johnson (Chair), P Shaw, A Ward, M Baggaley, T Gilbert, H Bourne- Taylor, CC G Saul, DCs A Beaney and A Wilson

Minutes Cllr C Glendinning

APOLOGIES: Cllrs Knott, Parker and Robottom, Mrs Beth Sinclair – Parish Clerk

Cllr Johnson welcomed everyone to the meeting.

88. DECLARATION OF INTEREST AND MEMBERS’ REGISTER OF INTERESTS:- there were no declarations of interest.


The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 25th August, having previously been circulated and read, were approved and signed by Cllr Johnson.

90. Matters Arising:-

* Caravans – Green Lane – DC A Beaney reported that this matter should be 

  concluded in the near future.

* Sports Club Lease – ongoing.

* Maintenance of bus shelter opposite Worths + litter in bus shelters -DC Beaney reported that from next year the cost of WODC emptying litter bins, paid for by the Parish Council, will rise from £20 pa to £8.34 per week or £400 pa. He will forward the Cabinet email on this and also a map of the litter bins covered by this cost in the village.

Regarding the re-decoration of this bus shelter, it was decided to ask the person who originally volunteered to do this work, if he would give a price for a one off re-decoration in the Spring.

* Quarry Close – new resident – Cllr Ward reported that this matter is in hand. Complete – file.

* Cycle ways – Cllr Baggaley is awaiting details of the meeting he is attending with CC G Saul. This was delayed due to Operation London Bridge.

S106 monies – recreation – Cllr Gilbert will speak to the Playing Fields Association about their plans for further equipment. Cllr Bourne-Taylor asked if a forest garden would qualify under recreation. Cllr Baggaley suggested a notice in the October Ensign inviting proposals by the end of the year.

* Visit to Apline – ongoing.

* Ditchley “Permissive Right of Way” – This request will be taken to the Trustees meeting in December.

* Civility and Respect Project – Cllr Shaw is updating this to apply to Enstone PC.

* PC Handbook – Cllr Shaw confirmed that he would have this updated for the November meeting.

* Winter Preparedness – salt bins – Cllr Ward advised that the salt bin by St Kenelms Church is only half full and needs re-filling.


91. Public Discussion:-

Police Visit – Following the offer of the police to introduce themselves to the community, they advised that that they are unavailable in October.  Cllr Glendinning will contact them nearer the time to check if they can come to the pc meeting in November.

Warner Leisure have invited the parish council to their Opening Ceremony on the 19th October. Some Councillors have already received invitations and replied directly.

Middle Barton request for contribution of £3798.00 towards the 50mph signage in Enstone Parish along the B4030 from Church Enstone to Hopcroft Holt as part of their traffic calming measures to be introduced within Steeple Parish. Some councillors expressed concern at this request since, although Enstone pc has supported the Steeple Parish traffic calming measures, they had not previously been asked to contribute to the cost and there was no budget for it. It was therefore agreed that a request would be made to Warner Leisure, Alpine and Soho Farmhouse for £1000.00 each towards this cost and £1000.00 would be given from the CC Priority Fund.

Cllr Johnson reported that it was agreed to hold pc meetings on the 3rd Thursday of each month, rather than the 4th. This would give the Parish Clerk more time to complete the end of the month transactions, ie paying invoice, notice for Ensign etc.

It had been agreed in the past for the purchase of an inexpensive mobile phone with say a £20 per month contract for the use of the Parish Clerk so her home phone  number does not have to be made public.

The laptop used by the Parish Clerk has come to the end of its useful life and it was agreed that she should look for a new one at a reasonable cost.

92. County Councillors report:- CC Saul reported that OCC have available £200,000 COVID reserve fund and a cost of living fund: The County and WODC will provide assistance where needed. 

There is also a Council Tax support fund and a fuel poverty fund. 

A grant scheme, to be administered through the District Council, will be available for organisations that might want to increase sporting activities and cope with heating costs. They will also be making warm spaces available in the libraries for longer. 

There will be a single contact point for individuals and groups to access these funds on the County Council website.

93. District Councillors report:- DC Beaney had nothing to report as meetings were re-scheduled due to Operation London Bridge. The Uplands planning meeting due on the 19th September has been moved to the 17th October.

The DC is putting in plans to stream meetings in the future to enable individuals to take part without having to travel.

DC Beaney reminded councillors of the Cabinet tour to build local community engagement. The next visit will be to Chipping Norton, Lower Town Hall on the 16th November at 2pm.

94. Correspondence

West Oxfordshire District Council:-

*West Oxfordshire Local Plan – CPRE consultation response – noted.


Oxfordshire County Council:-

* Councillors Priority Fund – CC Saul agreed that £1000 would be allocated to the cost of the 50mph signage as part of the Steeple Parish traffic calming measures. Cllr Glendinning asked if a donation could be made towards the cost of a new Bushell Velocity speed gun – the existing one having failed. However, it was agreed that the PC would fund the cost of this, approximately £200.00.

* Oxford Transport Proposals – There is a survey for completion which will now close on the 13th October and a virtual event will take place on the 4th October at 5.30pm to explain the proposals in more detail.

* Local Plan 2050 – noted.

* B4022 Church Enstone – The Tews – Temporary closure and no waiting restricts to facilitate edge strengthening, drainage, maintenance and reinstatement of all existing lines and road margins upon completion works/repairs. 5th September to 7th October 2022.

* Proposed diversion Under the Highways Act 1980 s119 – Enstone Footpath no. 18 (part) – no objection.

* Consultation – traffic filters – Oxford – noted.

* Overgrown footpath – Cleveley – Awaiting response from the homeowner. CC Saul will respond when more information is received.

Parish Council Correspondence:-

* Sports Club  – repair to wall –  Cllr Gilbert to look into finding a suitable stonemason to do the work.

* Community improvement – ongoing.

* Mullin Project – a public meeting has been arranged for Saturday, 29th October from 12.30pm in the main Parish Hall. To be advertised as widely as possible.

* OALC August updated – noted.

* Community Engagement  – Community First Oxfordshire seeking to gather feedback to understand the level of engagement that T&PCs are able to facilitate with Community Action Groups (CAGs) or other informal green groups, who focus on sustainability and climate related activities, young people/youth groups and other groups within their community. A short survey is available for completion by a PC.

* Age UK – An information campaign is the first stage in raising awareness of Pension Credit and encouraging people to undertake a benefits check to ensure they are getting all the support for which they are eligible.

* Operation London Bridge

-The PC wished to give their heartiest thanks for Rachel Hunt for updating the 

website and other social media at this time. She was on holiday at the time;

-Flowers had been left under the Tower at St Kenelm’s Church;

-Condolence Book – This will be archived according to the set procedure.

* Grass cutting Contractors – An invitation to tender to be sent to 3 contractors for quotes for the 2023 season with 7 cuts as the current contract.

It was noted that Thomas Fox had not invoiced for the full cuts this year due to weather conditions.

95. Planning Applications:-

* Fairytale Farm, Oxford Road, Southcombe, 22/02298/FUL – Erection of replacement accessible play equipment – no objection.

* The Nordibank, Lidstone, 22/00030/APPEAL – Replace thatch roof with Slates – Appeal Notice -for info

Decisions Received:

*Church Cottage, Church Enstone, 22/02234/LBC & 22/02017/HHD – Conversion of existing barn to create games room, stores and art studio all ancillary to main dwelling – Approved


*Church Enstone Hall, Little Tew Road, Church Enstone, 22/00582/LBC & 22/00478/FUL – Internal and external alterations to Tithe Barn to include replacement of existing doors and the removal of the attached bungalow Erection of a new detached dwelling with associated works. Change of use of land to create additional domestic curtilage along with the construction of an outdoor swimming pool to serve Church Enstone Hall. Remedial works to Tithe Barn (amended plans) – Approved

*Woodford Cottage, Banbury Road, Enstone, 21/02268/HHD – Erection of a replacement ancillary store with home office and accommodation (amended plans) – Approved

*Land at Chapel Lane, Enstone, 22/00838/OUT – Outline planning permission for residential development (up to 8 dwellings), access, parking, public open space, landscaping and associated development infrastructure (some matters reserved) – Refused

96. Finance:-

a) To agree the following accounts for payment:-

* Mrs Beth Sinclair  £964.60

* NEST Pension Scheme (er) £  26.30

* NEST Pension Scheme (ee) £  35.06

* Caroline King, Eco Group £  79.20

* Moore (external audit) £360.00

* Leaflet Frog (Eco Group) £  34.21

* OALC, CAROLE £  66.00

* Chipping Norton Theatre £100.00

* Thomas Fox £919.80

* Thomas Fox £163.80

* WODC, loan £573.61

* McAvee Subscription £  99.99 

* NetWise, website fees £360.00



                  • HMRC VAT    £5,899.12
                  • WODC, Precept      £16,765.00

b) Notice of Conclusion of Annual Audit has now been placed on the website.

Dates of Next Meetings – 7.00 pm – Enstone Parish Hall

* Thursday 20th October

*Finance Meeting Thursday 3rd November

*Thursday 17th November

*   Thursday 15th December