
2022 May – Annual Meeting

EPC Minutes Uploaded on July 4, 2022

Annual Enstone Parish Council Meeting  – click here for pdf version

Held on Thursday 19th May 2022 at 7.00 pm at Enstone Parish Hall for the purpose of transacting the following business:-

Draft Minutes

Present: Parish Councillors N. Knott (Chair), C. Glendinning, R. Parker,  A. Ward, D. Robottom, P. Johnson, M. Baggaley, DC A. Wilson,and two residents.

APOLOGIES: Mrs Beth Sinclair – Parish Clerk, Cllr P Shaw, Cllr A. Lee.

Cllr Johnson chaired the meeting at this point.

224. Election of Chair

All Councillors unanimously agreed that Cllr Knott be re-elected Chair of the Parish Council.  Cllr Glendinning proposed and Cllr David Robottom seconded. 

Cllr N Knott agreed to remain as Chair.

225. Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office : to be signed at a future meeting.

Cllr Knott took the chair from here.

226. Election of two Vice Chairs Cllr Knott proposed Cllrs P Shaw and P Johnson continue in these positions. This was seconded by Cllr A Ward.

Cllrs P Shaw and P Johnson agreed to remain as Vice Chairs and this was unanimously agreed.

227. Vice Chairs’ Declarations of Acceptance of Office : to be signed at a future meeting.

228.Resignation of Cllr Andrew Lew Cllr Knott thanked Cllr Lee for his excellent professional service to the Council over many years. The resignation was reluctantly accepted.

229. Appointment of TWO members to carry out quarterly independent checks of the Council’s Financial Records:

It was agreed that all members checked these on a quarterly basis at the Parish Council Meeting.

230. To Appoint a Planning Sub-Committee: It was agreed all members of Council form the planning sub-committee.

231. To confirm Santander and Barclays’ bank signatories

                  • Santander – On-Line Banking commenced March 2019 
                  • Barclays – Parish Hall Account – Account now closed.


232. To Appoint a Committee to receive Notifications covering complaints about members Chairman, Vice-Chairman, one other member and Clerk will form this committee.

233. To appoint Councillors to check through the draft minutes Clls. Knott, Glendinning & Shaw will continue to check the draft minutes.

234. Member’s allowances/expenses during period 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022:-

Cllr. Glendinning £34.90 towards traffic calming.

235. To review Clerk’s hours and rate of pay:

Cllr Knott explained that National Association of Local Council had now agreed the rate of Clerk’s pay. It was unanimously agreed that this increased

rate should be applied from April 2021.

The meeting concluded at 7.05pm.